With increased credit infusion, many borrowing options are now available in the market. Secured loans have constantly been a preferred choice due to their low interest rates and quick processing time. For low to moderate-value loans, Gold Loans have remained popular as a secured loan option.
However, secured loans may not be accessible to everyone. In such situations, Personal Loans come to the rescue. Meanwhile, if you have access to both, you need to make a choice that will suit your needs the most. Let’s find out the benefits of both Gold Loans and Personal Loans.
Gold Loans
A Gold Loan is a secured loan that you can avail of by pledging gold with a bank or financial institution. You can pledge gold in the form of jewellery, coins or even bullion. Financial institutions usually provide 75-80% of the gold value as a loan. The gold is valued at the time when the borrower applies for the loan.
Personal Loans
A Personal Loan is an unsecured loan since it does not require a security deposit. Unlike Gold Loans, you do not have to provide any security for availing of Personal Loans. Banks and financial institutions typically prefer extending personal loans to salaried individuals as they have a more predictable and reliable income. Being an unsecured loan, the interest rates on Personal Loans are high.
Also Read: How can you get a Personal Loan online with 6 easy steps?
Choosing between the two loans
You can go with either option depending on your profile, needs, purpose and fund requirements. Further, the interest rates of a gold loan and a personal loan become important determinants. You can use a gold loan and personal loan calculator to make informed decisions.
Axis Bank has remained the borrower’s choice whether it's about Gold Loans or Personal Loans. With attractive interest rates, flexible terms and quick processing, you can avail of loans seamlessly.
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