5 MinsSept 15, 2021
Michelle Barreto, 26, is a doctor. For the last 18 months, she has been on the frontlines of the battle against the Covid-19 pandemic. Her father works with a private firm, and her mother is a teacher. Both are in their mid-fifties. They have
spent the bulk of their savings on ensuring that their only daughter could fulfil her dream of becoming a medical professional.

Since Michelle is the only child, she has to shoulder the responsibility of looking after her parents in their old age. Being a doctor, she is also aware of the risk to her life, given that she works closely with Covid patients.
She has, therefore, decided to buy life insurance for herself. This way, if anything happens to her, her parents would still have a corpus for their old age. In taking this decision, Michelle has
joined a growing number of young Indians who have purchased insurance in the wake of the pandemic. A report by Reuters said that during April and May 2021, "the numbers of people aged between 25 and 35 buying term insurance was 30% higher than in the previous three months combined.”
However, buying life insurance during COVID times is not a walk in the park. Insurers are asking for additional tests to ensure that people are not COVID positive, or if they have been, have recovered completely. Because of the enhanced element
of risk, life insurance policies have also gotten more expensive, especially term insurance, where insurers have increased premiums by up to 20%.
Here are a few points Michelle can keep in mind while buying life insurance in these times:
Ensure adequate life cover: Today, the life expectancy for people who are not affected by COVID is higher, at least in metro areas, thanks to easy access to modern healthcare. Michelle’s insurance policy coverage should be adequate
to ensure that her parents can enjoy the same standard of living that they are used to now, for at least the next 30 years. It helps that both parents are in their mid-50s and so still have a few years before retirement.
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