Axis Bank Fx-Retail
Introduced by the Reserve Bank of India and developed by the Clearing Corporation of India Ltd. (CCIL), FX-Retail is an electronic trading platform for retail banking customers to buy and sell foreign exchange.
This platform
has been launched on August 05, 2019 and is available at The Bank’s account holders can also use FX-Retail for which customer needs to register
on the platform as a one-time measure. Subsequently, to execute any buy or sell transaction customer can approach their bank which will have the appropriate amount limit and mark-up defined in the FX-Retail platform for that transaction.
Transaction Process - Axis Bank Fx-Retail
Prior to buying or selling foreign exchange on FX-Retail, the Bank needs to set limits and mark-up for customer on the platform.
- Submit the completed transaction-related forms (for e.g. Application cum Form - A2 for outward remittance) along with the FX-Retail Limit Request form.
- Axis Bank sets the requested limit for the customer and the Bank’s mark-up on the platform
- Customer can then proceed to place an order on the FX platform up to the limit defined by the Bank within the limit validity period.
- FX-Retail shall send order confirmation mail to the customer on the registered email address upon successful completion of the order.
- The customer needs to contact the branch immediately with this order confirmation along with any other documents required for execution of the transaction
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